Modded Newsreader.apk by PiaoHong - download?
(troppo vecchio per rispondere)
Dave Royal
2024-01-14 16:20:57 UTC
(Tradotto dall'inglese da Google)

Qualcuno può fornire un download per il lettore di notizie
PiaoHong modificato pubblicato da "alfio" qui:
e citato qui:
Tutti i collegamenti sono scaduti.

Grazie in anticipo.
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Dave Royal
2024-01-14 16:24:56 UTC
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2024-01-15 17:18:01 UTC
Alfio, una domanda: ha senso mettere in condivisione la *MOD 11*, oppure è
stato solo un tentativo (non riuscito) di far funzionare Piao Hong NR su
Android 14? Hai fatto altri tentativi? Io non ho Android 14 per testare...
la 11 non aggiunge nulla alla 10, e il feedback ricevuto non e' stato
positivo, per cui direi che non serve pubblicare la 11.
non avendo modo di provare in proprio (non ho telefoni con Android 14) e non
avendo capito cosa potesse bloccare l'installazione (oltre a quanto provato
con la M11), mi sono fermato, non ci sono stati sviluppi.
2024-01-15 17:24:04 UTC
On/il 15/01/2024 , *alfio* wrote/ha scritto:
Post by alfio
la 11 non aggiunge nulla alla 10, e il feedback ricevuto non e' stato
positivo, per cui direi che non serve pubblicare la 11.

Grazie del riscontro, Alfio. Buona settimana.
.:. ByE bYe By Taf® .:.
- since 2023-11-01, my posts are from news.individual.net
Please, be smart!
/Use your KF - DFTT & Morphers/
Dave Royal
2024-01-16 10:57:41 UTC
Post by Taf®
Post by Dave Royal
(Tradotto dall'inglese da Google)
Qualcuno può fornire un download per il lettore di notizie
Post by Dave Royal
Grazie in anticipo.
Hi Dave,
I've just updated the download links that had expired.
This second modded version also no longer includes banner ads.
Please Note: You can directly update from one version to another
without uninstalling the apk beforehand.
*These new links will not expire*
Furthermore, if anyone is interested, I also have the Alfio's versions
MOD9 and MOD11 in my archive. ^^
.:. ByE bYe By Taf® .:.
- since 2023-11-01, my posts are from news.individual.net
Please, be smart!
/Use your KF - DFTT & Morphers/
Scriverò in EN: traduzione IT di seguito.

Thank you Taf for the permanent download links. I am currently
running the TOP X version. (Though X-Newsreader is
PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.Free:1.65. Perhaps it would be a good idea
to add 'TOP X' so it shows up on stats and P/ero can identify who
is using it.)

Thanks to alfio for fixing the quoting which made PiaoHong
Newsreader (PH) unusable for me. I have used PH since Android 4.
I have exchanged emails with PiaoHong himself but I think he sold
it years ago judging from the buggy updates. I couldn't
understand how quoting suddenly got totally screwed up; the
explanation in that post of 5 years ago about web-view was

This is a 10" Android 13 tablet. I deleted the previous version
(VIP 2.02) and set up the account again each reinstall. If you
can read eternal-september.test you can see my tests.

These observations apply to both modded versions I think. I don't
expect you to fix them! None is serious in normal

1 There is a problem with displaying quoted wrapped links. If I
post a long link, then reply to that quoting the link, then read
that reply, I do not see the links in the quote. The links are
there and others can see them I think, but I cannot. (There is a
difference in the way the reply-compose display looks in portrait
and landscape - whether it wraps after the initial > - but I
don't think that's a workaround.)

2 When the 6-dots which indicates hidden quoted text occurs in the
middle of a wrapped link, tapping it produces an error message -
cannot open document'. But it works OK. (See my 'Reply²' in TOP X
2 test.)

3 The sig is included in a reply quote. I must backspace to clear
it. (Old bug, I think.)

I shall use TOP X and see what else I find.

Top of my wishlist would be to identify x-posts. Just putting a
conspicuous symbol on the header, or colouring the subject
yellow, would be useful and warn me to view the headers.

The most serious fault in PH is that it ignores posts for which it
doesn't have the replied-to post. (No threads starting Re:) So a
reply to a very old post, or a thread started in another group
where my newsgroup was added will not appear.

Thanks again for making these mods available.



IT - Google Traduttore

Grazie Taf per i collegamenti di download permanenti. Attualmente
sto utilizzando la versione TOP X. (Sebbene X-Newsreader sia
PiaoHong.Usenet.Client.Free:1.65. Forse sarebbe una buona idea
aggiungere 'TOP X' in modo che venga visualizzato nelle
statistiche e P/ero possa identificare chi lo sta

Grazie ad Alfio per aver corretto la citazione che rendeva
inutilizzabile PiaoHong Newsreader (PH). Utilizzo PH da Android
4. Ho scambiato e-mail con lo stesso PiaoHong ma penso che lo
abbia venduto anni fa a giudicare dagli aggiornamenti difettosi.
Non riuscivo a capire come mai le citazioni all'improvviso
fossero diventate completamente incasinate; interessante la
spiegazione in quel post di 5 anni fa sulla visualizzazione

Questo è un tablet Android 13 da 10". Ho eliminato la versione
precedente (VIP 2.02) e ho configurato nuovamente l'account a
ogni reinstallazione. Se puoi leggere eastern-september.test puoi
vedere i miei test.

Queste osservazioni si applicano a entrambe le versioni
modificate, credo. Non mi aspetto che tu li aggiusti! Nessuno è
grave nell'uso normale.

1 Si è verificato un problema con la visualizzazione dei
collegamenti racchiusi tra virgolette. Se pubblico un
collegamento lungo, quindi rispondo citando il collegamento,
quindi leggo la risposta, non vedo i collegamenti nella
citazione. I collegamenti ci sono e penso che altri possano
vederli, ma io no. (C'è una differenza nel modo in cui la
visualizzazione della risposta-composizione appare in verticale e
in orizzontale, indipendentemente dal fatto che vada a capo dopo
l'iniziale >, ma non penso che sia una soluzione

2 Quando i 6 punti che indicano il testo nascosto tra virgolette
si trovano nel mezzo di un collegamento avvolto, toccandolo si
produce un messaggio di errore: "Impossibile aprire il
documento". Ma funziona bene. (Vedi la mia "Reply²" nel test TOP
X 2.)

3 Il sig è incluso nel preventivo di risposta. Devo tornare
indietro per cancellarlo. (Vecchio bug, credo.)

Utilizzerò TOP X e vedrò cos'altro trovo.

In cima alla mia lista dei desideri ci sarebbe l'identificazione
degli x-post. Mettere semplicemente un simbolo ben visibile
sull'intestazione, o colorare l'oggetto di giallo, sarebbe utile
e mi avviserebbe di visualizzare le intestazioni.

L'errore più grave di PH è che ignora i post per i quali non
dispone di un post con risposta. (Nessun thread che inizia con
Re:) Quindi una risposta a un post molto vecchio o un thread
avviato in un altro gruppo in cui è stato aggiunto il mio
newsgroup non verrà visualizzato.

Grazie ancora per aver reso disponibili queste mod.

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Dave Royal
2024-01-16 12:32:36 UTC
I should have added to (2) that tapping the 6-dots, as well as the error
message, _calls_ the linked URL, as if you'd tapped it.

It shouldn't start hiding in the middle of a link. You don't want to tap a
link you have not seen.

Another observation I've just made:

(4) A reply to an original post has "Re:" added. It should be "Re:
" (RFC5322).

This causes standard-conformant newsreaders to add another "Re: "
resulting in "Re: Re:xxxx". You can see this in this thread.



Avrei dovuto aggiungere a (2) che toccando i 6 punti, così come il
messaggio di errore, _richiama_ l'URL collegato, come se lo avessi

Non dovrebbe iniziare a nascondersi nel mezzo di un collegamento. Non vuoi
toccare un collegamento che non hai visto.

Un'altra osservazione che ho appena fatto:

(4) Una risposta a un post originale ha aggiunto "Re:". Dovrebbe essere
"Re: " (RFC5322).

Ciò fa sì che i lettori di news conformi allo standard aggiungano un altro
"Re: " risultante in "Re: Re:xxxx". Puoi vederlo in questo thread.

(Remove any numerics from my email address.)
2024-01-16 15:22:36 UTC
Post by Dave Royal
I should have added to (2) that tapping the 6-dots, as well as the error
message, _calls_ the linked URL, as if you'd tapped it.
It shouldn't start hiding in the middle of a link. You don't want to tap a
link you have not seen.
" (RFC5322).
This causes standard-conformant newsreaders to add another "Re: "
resulting in "Re: Re:xxxx". You can see this in this thread.
Avrei dovuto aggiungere a (2) che toccando i 6 punti, così come il
messaggio di errore, _richiama_ l'URL collegato, come se lo avessi
Non dovrebbe iniziare a nascondersi nel mezzo di un collegamento. Non vuoi
toccare un collegamento che non hai visto.
(4) Una risposta a un post originale ha aggiunto "Re:". Dovrebbe essere
"Re: " (RFC5322).
Ciò fa sì che i lettori di news conformi allo standard aggiungano un altro
"Re: " risultante in "Re: Re:xxxx". Puoi vederlo in questo thread.
OK Dave,
first of all, I'm not an expert on modifying apk code, I'm just an end
user with some expertise in using them.
In any case, you can try using Alfio's MOD10 version.
IMVHO, it is optimized a little better than P/ero's MOD X.

If you don't want ads, you can try installing DNS66.
In my experience of using it, it works like a charm.

For APK modding you can try to ask P/ero or Alfio. But I am not pretty
sure they will spend any more time to this APK

italian version here below:
innanzitutto, voglio dire che io non sono un esperto di modifiche sul
codice delle applicazioni, sono solo un utente finale con qualche
competenza nell'utilizzo delle stesse.
In ogni caso, puoi provare a usare la versione MOD10 di Alfio.
IMVHO, è ottimizzata un po' meglio della MOD X di P/ero.

Se non vuoi la pubblicità, puoi provare ad installare DNS66.
Nella mia esperienza di utilizzo funziona a meraviglia.

Per il modding dell'applicazione puoi provare a chiedere a P/ero o
Alfio. Ma non sono sicuro che dedicheranno altro tempo a questa APK.
.:. ByE bYe By Taf® .:.
- since 2023-11-01, my posts are from news.individual.net
Please, be smart!
/Use your KF - DFTT & Morphers/
Dave Royal
2024-01-16 15:59:06 UTC
Post by Taf®
OK Dave,
first of all, I'm not an expert on modifying apk code, I'm just an end
user with some expertise in using them.
In any case, you can try using Alfio's MOD10 version.
IMVHO, it is optimized a little better than P/ero's MOD X.
If you don't want ads, you can try installing DNS66.
In my experience of using it, it works like a charm.
For APK modding you can try to ask P/ero or Alfio. But I am not pretty
sure they will spend any more time to this APK
innanzitutto, voglio dire che io non sono un esperto di modifiche sul
codice delle applicazioni, sono solo un utente finale con qualche
competenza nell'utilizzo delle stesse.
In ogni caso, puoi provare a usare la versione MOD10 di Alfio.
IMVHO, è ottimizzata un po' meglio della MOD X di P/ero.
Se non vuoi la pubblicità, puoi provare ad installare DNS66.
Nella mia esperienza di utilizzo funziona a meraviglia.
Per il modding dell'applicazione puoi provare a chiedere a P/ero o
Alfio. Ma non sono sicuro che dedicheranno altro tempo a questa APK.
Traduzione IT di seguito

The TOP X version is fine. There are no adverts. I'm providing feedback in
case alfio or P/ero - or anybody else is interested. As I already wrote, I
don't expect them to fix it.
I already attempted to reverse engineer it a while ago using apktool, but
I lack knowledge about Android.
So I wrote my own newsreader based on Python and Kivy. I develop it on
Linux and deploy it on Android. It works, but is very very slow.


La versione TOP X va bene. Non ci sono annunci. Fornisco feedback nel caso
in cui Alfio o P/ero o qualcun altro sia interessato. Come ho già scritto,
non mi aspetto che lo risolvano.
Ho già tentato di decodificarlo qualche tempo fa utilizzando apktool, ma
non ho conoscenza di Android.
Quindi ho scritto il mio lettore di notizie basato su Python e Kivy. Lo
sviluppo su Linux e lo distribuisco su Android. Funziona, ma è molto molto
(Remove any numerics from my email address.)
2024-01-16 17:57:46 UTC
Post by Taf®
OK Dave
Just to stay it... fuck you in English too, taf!
2024-01-20 20:19:20 UTC
Post by Dave Royal
1 There is a problem with displaying quoted wrapped links. If I
post a long link, then reply to that quoting the link, then read
that reply, I do not see the links in the quote. The links are
there and others can see them I think, but I cannot. (There is a
difference in the way the reply-compose display looks in portrait
and landscape - whether it wraps after the initial > - but I
don't think that's a workaround.)
have you an example or screenshot about this bug ?
Post by Dave Royal
2 When the 6-dots which indicates hidden quoted text occurs in the
middle of a wrapped link, tapping it produces an error message -
cannot open document'. But it works OK. (See my 'Reply²' in TOP X
2 test.)
solved in next MOD11
Post by Dave Royal
3 The sig is included in a reply quote. I must backspace to clear
it. (Old bug, I think.)
already solved in previous versions, select the option "Reply under quoted
text (remove signature)"

(4) A reply to an original post has "Re:" added. It should be "Re: "

solved in next MOD11
Dave Royal
2024-01-21 08:20:15 UTC
Post by alfio
Post by Dave Royal
1 There is a problem with displaying quoted wrapped links. If I
post a long link, then reply to that quoting the link, then read
that reply, I do not see the links in the quote. The links are
there and others can see them I think, but I cannot. (There is a
difference in the way the reply-compose display looks in portrait
and landscape - whether it wraps after the initial > - but I
don't think that's a workaround.)
have you an example or screenshot about this bug ?
Hi alfio

In eternal-september.test, in thread 'Test piaohong 1.65mod - links'
In my first reply 'And quoted' I did not see the quoted links or
the 6-dots, and I still don't.
So I did that again, replied 'Try again', with the same result.

I then reinstalled & retested but didn't duplicate that test
exactly and did not see the problem.

I then tried the TOP version and did 'Test piaohong mod TOP X' and
the 6-dots are missing above 'Wow! colourful!'. I still see that
with M10. My post 'Reply in Landscape' is the same.

Next test - 'Re:Test piaohong TOP X 2' - all in landscape also
shows the fault in the 'Reply in landscape'. But notice the
quoted '<' which is not in the previous test.

I then used TOP for a few days. But I noticed that up-swipe in a
thread does not go to the next unread post; I had to use

So I updated back to M10 - 'Test Piaohong mod M10' - and reran
'Test piaohong 1.65mod - links'. I didn't get the problem. But I
see now that I added 'Back to alfio's version' so it didn't
truncate the quote in the same place.

I just repeated the first links test exactly - 'Test piaohong
1.65M10 - links' first in portrait and then in landscape.

Finally I reset reply mode to 'remove quote' and repeated portrait
1 as portrait 2.

In all those tests I see the problem - 6-dots missing above reply.
(And I see no difference between portrait and landscape.)

A screenshot is here:
<Loading Image...>

Thanks for all your work on this.

Remove numerics from my email address.
2024-01-21 10:02:32 UTC
Post by Dave Royal
In eternal-september.test, in thread 'Test piaohong 1.65mod - links'
In my first reply 'And quoted' I did not see the quoted links or
the 6-dots, and I still don't.
ok, i seen.
i think it is a stange effect of the same bug N°2

when compose a reply with text greater then 200 characters, PiaoHong
truncate quotet text at position 200 without check the text contents in that
point, but quoted text in that part of the program is already converted in
html, links are already inside a tag <a href></a>, truncating in the middle
means that webview is unable to understand correctly the html code, so the 6
dot become part of the link, or become invisible if they drop inside the tag

i found another bug in backup of settings, data on file .ini is incorrect
and so restore use wrong values.
when i found a solution to this new bug, i will release M11.

M11 will have a new signature, no more "testkey" but i mine signature, it
still not register to Playstore and never will be, so the apk remain a
dangerous app for any antivirus and not upgradable by the PlayStore.
this new signature will have 2 negative effects for users:
-1 they can't uprade from M10 to M11 without first remove M10.
-2 the same with TOP versions by P/ero
Dave Royal
2024-01-21 10:45:41 UTC
Post by alfio
Post by Dave Royal
In eternal-september.test, in thread 'Test piaohong 1.65mod - links'
In my first reply 'And quoted' I did not see the quoted links or
the 6-dots, and I still don't.
ok, i seen.
i think it is a stange effect of the same bug N°2
when compose a reply with text greater then 200 characters, PiaoHong
truncate quotet text at position 200 without check the text contents in that
point, but quoted text in that part of the program is already converted in
html, links are already inside a tag <a href></a>, truncating in the middle
means that webview is unable to understand correctly the html code, so the 6
dot become part of the link, or become invisible if they drop inside the tag
i found another bug in backup of settings, data on file .ini is incorrect
and so restore use wrong values.
when i found a solution to this new bug, i will release M11.
I noticed that 'restore' restored settings from my previous 2.02
VIP - I have both settings.ini and settings_vip.ini in
<internal-storage>/.Newsreader. settings.ini contains filters,
which I have not re-entered. I will edit those into the M11 ini
file when I get it.
Post by alfio
M11 will have a new signature, no more "testkey" but i mine signature, it
still not register to Playstore and never will be, so the apk remain a
dangerous app for any antivirus and not upgradable by the PlayStore.
-1 they can't uprade from M10 to M11 without first remove M10.
-2 the same with TOP versions by P/ero
Somebody posted a link to M10 in ng news.software.readers so I
posted to explain the background to that. I pointed people to
this ng, but you might want to monitor that ng.
Remove numerics from my email address.
2024-01-21 12:43:15 UTC
Post by Dave Royal
I noticed that 'restore' restored settings from my previous 2.02
all was good ? are you checked if all values in settings are the same you
had in 2.02 ?

i discover only now that original 1.65 by PiaoHong don't save values
correctly in .ini file when you make a "backup", maybe 2.02 works good, but
my mods are from 1.65 and i don't want to start again the job from 2.02
Dave Royal
2024-01-21 13:05:46 UTC
Post by alfio
Post by Dave Royal
I noticed that 'restore' restored settings from my previous 2.02
all was good ? are you checked if all values in settings are the same you
had in 2.02 ?
I didn't check - I just noticed that it offered to restore, which
surprised me. I did not think it was a good idea to restore the
2.02VIP settings - it would be like using Firefox with an old
profile .

I only discovered the location of the 2.02VIP settings later -
after I had re-entered the groups.

(I know from when I ran a rooted device that the VIP verstion had
a database in /data/data which I now cannot access.)
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